KEEP MAASAI GIRLS SAFE Due to a lack of education and poverty, Maasai parents now sell off their young girls to human traffickers.
Restore a Child is building a dormitory for Maasai girls to help head off this human tragedy. It will be operational in October 2021.
KEEP MAASAI PEOPLE HEALTHY In addition to a healthy mind, Restore a Child is committed to a healthy body. We will provide Maasai girls and the community with good healthcare in the new clinic… currently under construction. Upon the receipt of additional funds, the new clinic will be operational in 2022.
WORLD ORPHANS DAY The General Conference joined Restore a Child in promoting World Orphans Day, the second weekend in November. Orphans are now essential part of Possibilities Ministries at the GC and our ministry is featured on GC Website. We are hoping this year all churches and pastors in North American Division will promote World Orphans Day as indicated by the GC. The school on the right is being built for orphans at Dunia ya Heri in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
