Today we hear about "dark tunnels" built to destroy. We, as Christians, believe there is always "light at the end of the tunnel." This light comes in the person of Jesus Christ whose birth we celebrate each Christmas... "I am the Light of the world." The birth of our Lord Jesus Christ forever changed the world. His sacrifice forever changed our lives. "Joy to the World" warms our hearts. Christmas unites us in Love, Hope, Joy and Compassion... guiding us toward the promise of more hopeful tomorrows.
Your faithful generosity enabled Restore a Child to give the Hope and the Light of Christmas to thousands of children around the world whose lives are devastated by "dark tunnels". This Hope sparkles in the eyes of a starving child who now has food every day, or in the eyes of a mother who now has medicine to keep her sick child alive. It's there in the face of a girl who overcame injustice and now has a home and school where she can learn to be a better mother.
Thank you once again, friends, for partnering with us to do His good work. And, please remember to continue to pray for us and our children. Our Christmas will not be complete without providing for the basic needs of hurting children around the world. "You have done it unto ME."
Our Chairman and Members of the Board of Directors, and our children, join me in wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year... filled with His blessings.