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Let Justice Roll Down Like a River

Dear Friend,

In the Bible, justice for the poor is a central theme that underscores God's concern for the marginalized, especially the fatherless, the orphans.

It is not often that we look favorably at the injustices in life that have crushed us. Yet, God could have allowed unfair storms of life not to bruise us, but to bring us hope and peace. Through the valley of pain, broken dreams, disease, disappointments, even death it would be good to thank God for each one of these difficult times in life. Perhaps we can identify with Joseph when he said to his brothers: "You meant it for evil, but God meant it for good."

As we celebrate moments of national or personal independence, let us also reflect on the spiritual truth that our truest freedom and fulfillment come from aligning our lives with the will of God, our Creator.

Independence, in the context of dependence on God, embodies a paradoxical yet profound truth about human existence. On one hand, independence suggests freedom, self-sufficiency, and autonomy—qualities cherished in the pursuit of individual goals and societal progress.

However, this independence finds its fullest meaning and sustainability when grounded in an acknowledgment of our ultimate dependence on God. True independence, recognizes divine providence, wisdom, and grace as foundational in our interactions with others.

As we celebrate moments of national or personal independence this weekend, let us also reflect on the spiritual truth that our truest freedom and fulfillment come from aligning our lives with the will of God who commands us to seek justice and care for the poor and fatherless in this world.

Practicing Justice... Happy 4th!

Norma Nashed



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