We build schools.
They build communities.
Restore a Child with Ukraine
Dr. Laszlo Sabo from Friedensau coordinated the effort of buying the five tons of food today with baby food and diapers and blankets and more. 12 volunteers helped in loading the bus. The bus is owned by a German Adventist which goes daily to pick up refugees from the town of Tschernivtsi on the boarder of Ukraine and bring them to Germany.
Restore a Child is honored to have such dedicated volunteers. As more funds come in we will be loading this bus two to three times a week to provide for the poor refugees in Ukraine.

Norma: Beyond Their Tears
William G. Johnsson, Ph.D., author of 35 books, scholar, professor, wrote the manuscript for this biography covering Norma Nashed, the Founder of Restore a Child. Neither the author nor Norma Nashed will receive a penny from the royalties on this book. All proceeds will go towards helping orphan and poor children.